A few days ago, I had the privilege of sharing my views, perspectives and experience related to the best practices on implementing Ethics and Compliance Culture in multinational enterprises, per request of the general management of Petrobras (Brazil) at REFAP.
Just like as I reported several other times, including when I made a similar presentation to AGU/PGU/CGU , it is impressive to see the willingness, commitment and good will of so many people working in the Brazilian public sector towards creating ethical environments in their areas so that we could reinforce and get stronger in fighting corruption!

Petrobras' corruption scandal in Brazil has called attention to serious fraudulent and unethical practices conducted by some of its managers/directors. What people may fail to understand and recognize is that there are A LOT of ethical professionals in companies involved in corrupt practices (as Petrobras) and they are rather commited to doing the right things in their organizations and fighting corruption!
This is just another example of it: those ethical professionals are seeking good examples of sucess stories and best practices from the private sector, so they can apply those learnings into their internal activities and practices, becoming stronger in anticorruption!

I am very glad with the outstanding positive feedback received during and after my presentation, and this just reflects how much ALL OF US have our share of responsibility in working to improve our practices and increase our ethical behaviour, in a beautiful journey of building the right capabilities to fight corruption and implement an authentic Ethical Conscience - and that is an important share of contribution - in our hands - towards creating a better world!
Congratulations to all professionals commited to taking that Ethical journey and let's assume our own share of responsibility in this history - as Bill Drayton thought us: EVERYONE can be a CHANGEMAKER!